Municipality of Imola

A short description of the town of Imola. In english of course!Municipal area Kmq.: 204,937
Height mt.: 47 a.s.l.
Population: 64.348 (updated to 2001)

Description: Imola was founded in coincidence with the construction of the Roman road Via Emilia (187 B.C.). However, traces of prehistoric settlements have been recently found in this area. During the Roman Empire period, Imola was called Forum Cornelii. Its lay-out is still that of a Roman town developed around two main axes, the decumanus (east-west axis, now Via Emilia) and the cardus (north-south axis, now Via Appia-Via Mazzini). At the intersection of these axes lay the forum (Roman square). During the barbarian invasions, Forum Cornelii underwent a difficult period as it was located between the territories of the Longobards and the Byzantines. The name “Imola” dates back to this period, even though its etymology is still uncertain. Following the revival of the year 1000, Imola’s growing population founded a Ghibelline Comune. Imola was split by the fights between Guelphs (the Pope’s followers) and Ghibellines (loyal to the Empire). Despite these internal battles, the town flourished in the lordships period. The Manfredi family surrounded Imola with walls while the Riario-Sforza family had many palaces built including Palazzo Sersanti, Calderini and Machirelli. After Cesare Borgia’s brief domination of Cesare Borgia, Imola fell under the control of the Papal State. In 1502 Leonardo da Vinci was in Imola (invited by Cesare Borgia) and he drew the famous town map (now kept in the Royal Collection in the Windsor Castle).
In 1787 Imola was invaded by Napoleon’s troops and, in 1815, it passed one again under the control of the Holy See. In 1860 the town was annexed to the Sardinia Kingdom and, the following year, to the Kingdom of Italy. After the unity, Imola saw a feverish social and political activity. It was the first Italian town to be ruled by a both democratic and socialist government. Imola-born Andrea Costa was the first socialist deputy to be elected in Parliament.
Today Imola plays a leading role in the Region’s cultural, economic, commercial and industrial life. Renowned for its sports facilities and cuisine, Imola is still a town where it is pleasant to live.

Further information: How to reach the place:
Motorways: A14 motorway (Bologna – Ancona);
Highroads: Via Emilia linking Piacenza, Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Bologna, Imola, Forlì, Rimini,Via Montanara linking Imola to Florence;
Railways: Imola’s railway station (7, Piazzale Marabini) – Daily trains to/from Bologna, Ravenna, Milano, Bari, Venezia, Ancona;
Bus station: Imola’s bus station (Viale Andrea Costa) – Daily buses to/from Bologna.

Distance from other town: Ravenna km. 46, Rimini km. 72, Bologna km. 34, San Marino km. 99, Firenze km. 98.

Hamlets: Montecatone, Linaro, Ponticelli, Fabbrica, Giardino, Casola Canina, Sasso Morelli, Chiusura, Sesto Imolese, San Prospero, Zello, Selva, Piratello.


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